Monday, November 16, 2009

In Class we...

Discussed Act 3 Fishbowl Style with the class from Georgia. It was a really interesting experience because this is our first time ever having a fishbowl with students from another state and live blogging with them too!

Class: Act 3 and 4 quiz is Monday, November, 23.

1 comment:

  1. Also here are Act 4 characters:

    King: Kyle
    Queen: Kelli
    Rosencrantz: Alex B.
    Guildenstern: Sarah
    Hamlet: Dalton
    Gentlemen: Lauryn
    Fortinbras: Jake
    Captain: Nick
    Ophelia: Deidre
    Messenger: Louise
    Laerates: Maddie
    Horatio: Anthony (Not Damico)
